CP - 00 - 02 Self - Repairing Battery : Dollar amount requested - 50 to 75k
Staring Date - anytime : Duration - 6 months : Date of submission -
Technical proposal - The earth is a giant source of energy.Also the sun and gravity are a source of energy. To obtain energy to use means knowing the source or a source to use for autos and ships etc.. Incorporating a means for detecting energy sources and using them is the same as analyzing a battery for flaws. Manipulating this energy is the same as repairing flaws in a battery. To make a battery with an integrated circuit to detect flaws and repair itself common-place is a move to routine passenger travel to earth orbit. Detecting energy sources on earth might seem common-place but from space it would be a map or outstanding structure to go by. Then to characterize this and understand the forces at work would enable a forecast or prediction of the value of it based on its evolution. So my proposal is to make a self - repairing battery in the near future.
This is the proposal I had planned to submit. A cost estimate was supposed to be attached. This is a revised version of my first proposal.